Freitag, 2. Januar 2009


good evening!
this day i drove with my honda cr 250 to the ream nationalpark with a guy from vienna called leo and with linda from pnomh penh.
we had a lot of fun riding through really nice trails and riding on a beautiful beach without any people there. sometimes it was very steep and 2 times we had to drive through nice water-bathes.
i nearly got stucked to one waterplace because i didn't stop and look where is it the best...
it was a really funny day...
Shianknoville rocks a lot!!!

leo riding very steep uphill trail, my girl had to walk uphill this way - it was not possible to ride up with her at the back..

here i choose the left side and that was not good;))

now dirty linda

bernhard and linda in prek toeuk sap

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