diesen blogeintrag schreibe ich in deutsch da ich nicht eingesperrt werden will, wie ein australier der gegen die thailaendische regierung im internet gepostet hat.ok!am abend fand eine oeffentliche kundgebung der roten partei (peoples party) im sanam luang in bgk statt. der ganze platz war voll von armen leuten (eher bauern und arbeiter). alle leute hatten ein rotes tshirt mit dem aufdruck truth today an. die leute sind sich noch sehr uneinig, was demokratie wirklich heissen und bringen soll. ein us student namens eric wird mir eine umfrage zukommen lassen, die er entwickelt hat und an soviele leute wie moeglich bei dieser demonstration ausgeben wird und teilnehmen lassen will.
die gelbe partei ist die regierende partei die vom militaer unterstuetzt wird, aber von den normalen leuten finanziert wird. dort sind aber eher die reichen wie banker , firmenbosse und hohe beamte angesiedelt.
i hoab mit einign leitn gsprochn, fue woin den kini nimma geschweige vom jetzign preimmienista.
gestern zb. bin ich 50km nach bangkok zurueck gefahren am highway und das ist ein teil der koenigsfamilie in die andere richtung ausgefahren. am ganzen highway waren links und rechts alle 300m polizisten. und gar kein auto sicher 10km zu sehen. dann kam das geschwader....alle anderen autos mussten sicher eine halbe stunde warten. warum das wohl notwendig ist, ist eine gute frage....
red in the land
(sozis ins land einikreun...)
i glaub es wird nu etwas dauern, aber vielleicht in zwoa bis drei joa kans moegli sein....! ois guate!
i hoab mi dann ausn staub gmoacht, da i nur eric und sonst keinen anderen falang gsehn hoab...
Samstag, 31. Januar 2009
Freitag, 30. Januar 2009
last night i slept very less....
i was very lucky because on this friday (only once time a year) the governement is paying to the tuktukdrivers the salary to bring the tourists to the buddha temples.
i visited the custom tailor made shop (image collection)
i got into buying frenzy.... now i like bangkok city - really nice food and lot of interesting places and very good nightlife too
big buddha
i bought there 3 birds and gave them the freedom, before i praid for some wish...
lucky buddha
at the custom tailor made office
biggest buddha
600 years old
golden buddha
last night i slept very less....
i was very lucky because on this friday (only once time a year) the governement is paying to the tuktukdrivers the salary to bring the tourists to the buddha temples.
i visited the custom tailor made shop (image collection)
i got into buying frenzy.... now i like bangkok city - really nice food and lot of interesting places and very good nightlife too
big buddha
i bought there 3 birds and gave them the freedom, before i praid for some wish...
lucky buddha
at the custom tailor made office
biggest buddha
600 years old
golden buddha
Donnerstag, 29. Januar 2009
bangkok is a small village...
7million people in the city and more then 10million included the outside suburbs...
the roads are smelling from the stinky tuktuks. but after one day you get used to it :))
i visited the jim tompson house musem and then the baiyoke tower 2 with 304m the highest building in thailand. it has 85 floors.
bangkok is a small village...
7million people in the city and more then 10million included the outside suburbs...
the roads are smelling from the stinky tuktuks. but after one day you get used to it :))
i visited the jim tompson house musem and then the baiyoke tower 2 with 304m the highest building in thailand. it has 85 floors.
sawadie khrap!
yesterday i took the nighttrain from chiang mai to bangkok. travelling with the train was very nice - i slept very good in the 2nd class.
in the morning there was a big rush hour so the best transport is a motorbike not a tuktuk or a taxi...
i went to the hua chiev hospital but the doctor said to me its better to wait one more week for bringing out the stitches. http://hc-hospital.com
then i went to the canon customer service at the ma bun khrong center for cleaning my eos20d ccd chip because i am not possible to clean the chip (very dirty).
i tried the new canon eos5d mark2 (it costs 2100euro only the body)
it has a fully format sensor and it is possible to do full hd videos.
the price in geizhals is 2155euro - so its not much cheaper to but the camera in bangkok...
bangkok is a very clean nonsmoker city(2000 bht fee for throwing away some rubbish and more for smoking inside an official building or restaurant) but the air is very bad especially in the rushhour driving on a tuktuk...
kop khun khrap.
pop gan mai.
yesterday i took the nighttrain from chiang mai to bangkok. travelling with the train was very nice - i slept very good in the 2nd class.
in the morning there was a big rush hour so the best transport is a motorbike not a tuktuk or a taxi...
i went to the hua chiev hospital but the doctor said to me its better to wait one more week for bringing out the stitches. http://hc-hospital.com
then i went to the canon customer service at the ma bun khrong center for cleaning my eos20d ccd chip because i am not possible to clean the chip (very dirty).
i tried the new canon eos5d mark2 (it costs 2100euro only the body)
it has a fully format sensor and it is possible to do full hd videos.
the price in geizhals is 2155euro - so its not much cheaper to but the camera in bangkok...
bangkok is a very clean nonsmoker city(2000 bht fee for throwing away some rubbish and more for smoking inside an official building or restaurant) but the air is very bad especially in the rushhour driving on a tuktuk...
kop khun khrap.
pop gan mai.
Mittwoch, 28. Januar 2009
Chiang Mai
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